Future Exhibitions

Current Exhibitions

Past Exhibitions


Past Exhibitions 1990 - 2004




The Compassion Series Abstract Paintings of the 1950’s & 1960’s

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 24 - May 20, 2004

Limb Over The Water,26x40,1984_II.JPG

“The Reflected Stream" The Early Years 1975 - 1985

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 26 - May 22, 2003

Purple Tree II_26x40_1992_Cropped_cmyk_fromJielong.jpg

“The Reflected Stream" and The Covered Apple Tree Painting 1975 - 1998

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

March 30 - May 2, 2002

Purple Strip_26x40_4_cropped_cmyk_fromJielong.jpg

Recent Paintings

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 3 - May 2, 2001

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The Covered Apple Tree Series

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 15 - May 11, 2000

Four Seasons-Spring_60x72_1975_0.JPG

The Four Seasons

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 17 - May 6, 1999


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The Reflected Stream

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 18 - May 7, 1998

Fading Light_36x50_1998_2.JPG

"Purple Rocks & Then Some, The Reflected Stream 1996-1997"

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York




The Roundabout Theatre Gallery
231 W 39th St, New York, NY 10018

August 1 - October 31, 1997




The Reflected Stream

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 19- May 8, 1997

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The Compassion Series: Paintings from the 1950s

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 20 - May 9, 1996


Recent Paintings

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 22 - May 11, 1995

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The Reflected Stream 1978 - 1994

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 23 - May 12, 1994


Series from the 1980's and 1990's

Walter Wickiser Gallery, Soho, New York

April 24 - May 14, 1993



Z Squared Fine Art Gallery


382 West Broadway located in Soho, New York 

November 16 - December 16, 1991



Z Squared Fine Art Gallery


382 West Broadway located in Soho, New York

December 15, 1990 - Janaury 15, 1991


Five Artists (with Calvin Albert, Jake Landau, George McNeil and Charles Schucker )


Pratt Manhattan Center, Puck Building

295 Lafayette St. at Houston St., N.Y.C. 


January 21 - March 2, 1991


Five Artists (with Calvin Albert, Jake Landau, George McNeil and Charles Schucker )


Schafler Gallery at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York


November 16, 1990 - January 4, 1991


Solo Show

Gallery 630-B in New Orleans, Louisiana

October 5 - 31, 1990